This mission is bizzare. It is a large collection of eclectic rooms, that sometimes moves into the realm of something vaguely house shaped.
There is also this bizzare thing where you can kidnap the guy at the end without knocking him out.
But there is an underlying unease to this mission. I am not certain, but parts of the mission feel like they are at an angle. The strange maze between the rooms often gives way to vast spaces, this mission almost feels liminal.
Honestly, I find this mission somewhat triggers my anxiety.
It's a maze. It's got no real story, and it's badly constructed. But hey, at least it runs right?
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I know exactly what you mean with the weird angles. Some of them are optical illusions, where a tall vertical wall looks like it's tilting slightly over you because of the placement of lights and a less tall wall on the other side of the hallway. Other areas have very slightly rotated wall textures. It's often a bit disconcerting. If someone wanted to make a slightly creepy and vaguely unsettling map they could open up this one in Dromed and see how the author did it.
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