This is the sort of thing I love when diving into the past: This level is doing a new thing, doing it badly, but with enough heart and soul that I can't help but love it.
The "Tavern full of friendly people" is an FM trope that we see regularly throughout FM history, Legacy of knoss does it, and I believe it also happens in the night falcon campaign, just to name a couple, but here we see it in it's earliest incarnations: We also see a ship, a warehouse (complete with minecarts on fully brushed out tracks) and someone making an elder sign symbol using the chalk arrows from Bonehoard. Oh, and a servant holding a lantern. It's all clever, and neat stuff.
Due to the age of the mission, it doesn't quite work. There are better missions that do these things, but it's a fun time, if looking through FM history, this deserves to be more than just a footnote.
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