This mission is a bit bizzare. It is bad, no question, but it's a very earnest bad. Someone has tried very hard to make a mission, put a lot of work into the brushwork, and spent ages planning it out. Then they added gameplay.
Oh boy did they add gameplay.
An objective object that once stolen, sets off an alarm alerting everyone in the area.
An objective that involves carrying a hammer in your hands, not your inventory.
That classic inpenetratable darkness.
The Rose of Bantry is an early city mission. It actually does a good job making a city enviroment akin to assassins (though much more flat) and also mixes a hammerite cathedral, and boat, into the same mission. It's honestly very cool to see this sort of mission from 1999, but it plays terribly, and just isn't fun. The city is vast and empty (Which to be fair, is just like Assassins), and the enviroments are crowded, It's a poorly realized mission, and no amount of love and ambition could have saved the fact that some of the decisions made were just bad.
Oh, it also has the terrible "no hurting woman" rule which honestly makes me want to rate it a 1. (See shadow buisness, for my explanation of that) but the mission has enough going for it that I can't really justify that.
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