The idea of decending into the dungeons of a castle to kill a vampire, is one we will revisit in the future I am sure. Unfortunately, this attempt to create such a mission just falls apart at the seams.
This mission is a keyhunt, set in the strange boxy world these early FMs inhabit, your task? Kill a vampire, and rob him blind.
The mission is actually tiny, and hosts both undead and people. However this FMs architecture and texturing choices... even for the time it looks terrible. On a macro scale (Rooms, buildings) the brushwork itself is also bad, thoughthe furniture and tables and things are actually fairly average. It feels like the developer was learning as they went along.
The story is very predictable, but not completely incompetent. It's also nice it actually has a bit of progression to it, even if you have already worked it out by the time you have finished reading the summary.
Gameplay wise, it is a bit bright and noisy, I didn't really try to use stealth, but I feel for the most part this is just me picking up bad habits from the string of stinkers I have been playing.
Honestly, I think this deserves the 3/10 rating I am giving it, but really it's more of a 3.5. It's got heart, just not enough of one to elevate above the rankings of "quite bad".
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