This is an advanced FM. I mean that sincerely, it does a huge twist near the end that involves a major change to the gameplay. It has a ton of moving parts, and is quite long.
Unfortunately, it is only a beta, and as it's been over 20 years, it's safe to say it's never fully releasing.
This mission follows on from tower of illusion, the third (and currently final) instalment of the series that started with "escape from the bear pits" and the developer has well... developed. Most of my issues with tower of illusion are still here, but they are slightly less disruptive.
Oblivion is a mission about entering a hammerite complex, stealing an item, blessing it, and then escaping. Getting in is actually the second biggest challenge, requiring the player to basically ignore what looks like their best option, in favour of blindly exploring. once inside, it is unfortunately, a key/switch hunt, but there are hints in place this time telling you where to go. Unfortunately, the mazelike corridors remain problematic as ever, with them all blending into eachother.
Then there are the bugs. Supposedly on expert, the mission cannot be completed (I can confirm I was unable to complete it, but I am uncertain if I grabbed the item I needed to, as it is an objective item that melds into your loot pile). If your playing in newdark, people have also reported getting trapped in the latter half of the mission; this didn't happen to me, but I feel that was because I jumped over a trigger from bunnyhopping.
This mission is impressive. A mission that did what this mission attempted, but did everything else well, could easily have gotten a 7, or even an 8, but the developers flaws from Bearpits and tower of illusion still shine brightly through. It's impossible to deny that while the cool technical stuff a joy to see, the level between those points is poorly built, and really boring.
I would net this a 4 if it was complete, but being impossible on expert, and blatantly unfinished, makes it hard to view it in a positive light.
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