This is another prisonbreak, like payback, it involves leaving your cell, killing the person who put you there, and generally moving through a strange enviorment to do it. Unfortunately, this mission starts strong, and gets weaker the further in you go.
Intially, this mission is really good. you force your way out of the cell into a detailed prison, stealth is fully viable, and you can really move through the mission smoothly.
But once you get underground, problems appear. First of all, the library is wrongly marked as "outside" meaning the mission could end there if you have the loot, second of all, the "forbidden zone" you pass through is really just a nonsensical pair of puzzlerooms that have no reason to exist internally.
You then escape into the hammerite temple, which has a nice large christian cross at the front of it.
All in all, a fun romp, but certainly not worthy of any significant praise.
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