This is best not viewed as a mission, so much as a short slice of Garretts life. It is however, a pretty good slice.
You start out at garretts home (as seen in Assassins, and lost city) and the map is literally assassins, with an extra bit added. However, into this rather bland city, the author drops a small of quite fun little interactions with NPCs, and a simple robbery. There are no hostile NPCs in this map, even the sleeping lord you are robbing doesn't bother to get out of bed when woken up, so really this is just interactions that garrett has.
Unfortunately it is quite short. You talk to a random person (who might seem familiar to you as a player), briefly exchange pleasantries with a guard, and then talk to a homeless man. That's the entire mission.
There is also a small secret area reached from following an NPC when they head home.
I personally really liked this mission. It was fun, but I suspect it was a tech demo, a proof of concept for garrett having conversations with other NPCs.
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