Someone called bok went and pushed Garrett into a pit. Garrett is now 100% totally dead, and will probably be eaten by spiders.
Naturally, Garrett is pretty pissed about all this, and decides not to be dead, and to instead go take revenge on Bok, and commit a little murder on the person who hired him.
This mission starts in some well built caves, and then transitions to a less well build manor. The map is boxy, and the house has a bad case of marble floors. However where this mission excels is it's technical side. Servants who react when you turn off lights, a wax sculpture room with buttons that play the sounds. It's nothing groundbreaking these days, but it is cool.
Plot wise, I still view Garrett getting murdery a bit out of character (In the mission Assassins, Garrett didn't immediately murder Ramirez for trying to assassinate him) however I can forgive it as this map is just good. It's a fun romp, one which deserves to be remembered and remembered fondly.
Is it a bit basic? Yes. Is the writing a bit poor? a little. Will you have fun playing it? Absolutely.
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