This is halloween FM, and honestly, I love almost all elements of it. Unfortunately, the thing I don't like about it is pretty serious.
This FM is a very short keyhunt FM, of the "guess what the developer was thinking at the time" variety. There are two keys to find, and you must find one before the other. Meanwhile you explore an extremely haunted house with more undead than you can imagine.
The entire tone of this mission is... well... the well outside has a giant bouncing skull in it. It's not what I would call horror so much as horror themed goofiness, but if you want to have the aestetic of a horror mission, without actually being scared, maybe that's what you are looking for?
Then there is the ending, the thing that elevates this level, and makes it memorable even now. I won't spoil it. but it is an amazingly cool reveal.
As for the issue... it's the keyhunt. I hate hunting for keys, I hate being held hostage by a pixel hunting minigame. This time I found them fairly quickly, but had I not, I could easily have gotten stuck, and been unable to proceed.
Still, it's a much more minor issue when you remember we are in an age where google, and video walkthroughs exist, and this mission is unique enough to be worth a look.
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