This mission is very much a hidden gem. A mission reminicent of baffords, that manages to do it's job, offer just enough plot to be serviceable, and to ultimately be enjoyable, and quick... or at least it would be if the loot wasn't extremely well hidden (Or maybe I am just bad at loot-hunting).
Also, note to anyone going for 100%, there is loot outside the castle, that you can't get if your objectives are complete.
This mission is good. It's about as good as assassins, but there is a reason it is mostly forgotten. There is very little to talk about here, it has average rooms, average gameplay, and average enviroments. The ambient music is a bit buggy, but otherwise everything just works.
The only reason I can't really recommend this, is because mansions are very common, so an average mansion with no other quirks does nothing to stand out.
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