This is a sequel to "retrieval". If you read my review of that one, you should already know that this is not worth your time
On the plus side, this one is very clearly an injoke with the community at the time, and as such, I don't think it was ever meant to be taken seriously in any sense. It's a joke mission aimed at an audience that probably hasn't existed for a good 20 years. I don't really want to talk about it further honestly, I don't really understand it. If you are one of the target audience, first of all, I'm glad the cryochamber from 1999 worked, and maybe you would have a better time with it?
Oh and the loot objective seems to be bugged. I somehow collected 3000 according to the end screen (reached via the end level cheat) but not in the game itself. So this mission is probably impossible to complete.
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