I loved missions like Down in the Bonehoard in TDP but it dawned on me that I haven't played a fan mission like that yet, so I decided to give this one a go, and oh boy what a mission. What starts as a standard church raid eventually leads you to forsaken places and dark secrets, with the kind of atmosphere that I loved so much in the original Thief. It's quite lore heavy for a fan mission and I found it really welt built and interesting to explore, with a good amount of foreshadowing.
The enemies themselves are great too, they feel Thief-y but still original at the same time. I'm not sure if they're custom made or part of TDM though. They are actually scary as well since you can't just fight them like in The Dark Project, they are way too many for that and don't just die to a sprinkle of holy water.
What I would complain a bit about is the length. Took me about 3.5 hours to finish. I suppose you need this kind of length for the amount of lore that was built here, but the actual gameplay became a bit of a slog towards the end. Maybe this would have been better as a campaign of 2 or 3 smaller missions. Also, although I liked the enemies, one type of them was a bit overused and annoying imo, but that may just be on expert.
Overall great mission if you're a Bonehoard and Lost City enjoyer like me.
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