So, maybe this mission just caught me on a good day, but honestly, this was really fun.
It's a city mission, which I historically don't like, but it's split up into managable chunks. It involves basically a journey to a house for information, followed by a docked ship, which Garrett will use to escape the city.
The design of this mission is mostly really strong, with really nice brushwork in some places (though there are a few streets that do feel like "Box with smaller box inside", the prison being the worst offender here), OK sound design, and poor texturework. Gameplay felt pleasent, perfectly managable for ghosting except the very start, and one section where one of the guards ended up stuck on a table. (Sunken library, my 2023 FM, often has the same problem, so I sympathise with the author here).
Some people might take issue with the fact this mission starts with you being chased by hammers. While this start is full of goofy scripting, I found it a fun and memorable way to kick the mission off. The sequence is also short enough that even if you hate it, you should really power through it and play the rest of the mission.
There is nothing in this mission which is bad enough for me to be upset by it, or to dock any points. A very good mission which makes me excited for when I play Willow island when I finally reach it.
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