This is a sequel to "Lord Edmund Entertains!", going into the origin of the idol you stole there. Unfortunately, that does give it some pretty big boots to fill, and The Vigil comes up short. However it is still a very good FM, well worth playing.
This is a shortish tomb mission, that then transitions into a journey through the city to get back to the start. On a technical level, this mission is pretty good, It has a couple of very cool puzzles, plenty of the AI are interacting with the world around them.
However it's look and feel is a bit weak. It's texture work is often lacking, particularly in the sewers it's overall design is more sprawling, but perhaps as a consequence, lacks the focus and density of LEE. That said, it's still perfectly servicable, and by no stretch bad.
This mission is still one of the strongest I have played overall since starting chronologically in 1999, Banshee was a skilled Dromeder, and this mission is well worth playing.
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