Lord Binclair is... painfully average. It involves robbing a single mansion, which slowly and competently unfolds into a fairly large playable area. It has a variety of objectives (which get slowly added to your list as you explore) and is moderately straightforward. There are a couple of secret switches to find, but honestly they are rather generously hinted at.
Loot does require a little bit of hunting.
The tomb area provides some much needed variety.
The main issue with this mission is, while there is nothing specifically horribly wrong with it, there is nothing memorable either. There is a buggy pool that leaches your health (as it uses the blue crystal texture) and that is honestly the only thing I remembered about this mission when I came to write this review a week later. The tomb is the high point of the mission, but that really isn't saying much. The gameplay is also generally very slightly subpar.
If there is one thing which brings the score down, it's the abundence of real-fake doors which logically Garrett should be looking to open. (as they are in the mansion). It makes the whole place, ironically, feel less real to me.
It's not bad, it's just painfully average. Unlike other mansions (such as "inheretence") it's gameplay isn't fun enough to rise it above it's base premise. Unlike something like "Rogues Honour" it doesn't have any technical achievements. It's just... forgettable.
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