This mission is about robbing a tomb, which is already being robbed by an existing group of apparant hammerite thieves. It is well designed on a surface level, but is also extremily tough. The AI alert if they so much as glimpse you, and it feels close to impossible to sneak. Add to that the fact that you have almost no equipment, and this mission is probably one of the hardest out there to play properly (I personally cheesed it with throwable hammers and one well placed gas arrow).
Unfortunately, this is mostly to it's detriment, in my opinion.
Still, the mission is creative, doesn't outstay its welcome, and is generally enjoyable. If you can get over the difficuilty of it, there is a good mission in here.
One thing of interest: this mission is actually a sequel to a previous mission which according to Thiefguild, released much later. Seems the original release has been lost to time, and only the remaster/rerelease is present now.
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The presence of other...archaeologists is apparently meant to direct you to progress points they cannot use and that you otherwise wouldn't consider as your first option, and thus to trigger oh so unexpected (or obviously expectable) events one wouldn't deem possible - problem solved... Pretty funky design for its time of a different mould.
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