This mission pack gets better the further in you get, and forced me to take a closer look at a couple of my previous ratings.
Unfortunately, "Ramirez's Revenge" remains a below average mission, that contains a few too many issues for me to rate highly. Still this is an improvement over the solo release. Some of the bugs are gone, and it feels nicer to play generally. Ultimately, its a solid 4/10.
"Stowaway" is actually my favourite mission in the set. However, it is technically bad. This time I was able to find the burricks in the hold of the ship, so that made me happy. 4/10.
"The Hunt for Montrose" is a fun undead hunting mission, which I actually enjoyed more this second time around. It's not really thief, but it's a good time despite that. 4/10
"The keep" is honestly a pretty good mission in my opinion, unfortunately, I managed to softlock myself due to a point of no return later in the mission. It's a big awsome adventure, it's got kill objectives, but I am slightly more accepting of this as it's the end of a campaign. It's fun to see how the authors skill improved dramatically during the campaign, and the keep is pretty good relative to other missions of it's time. 6/10.
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