This mission is a tiny, it's a big box with rooms in it, and honestly, it's a fun experience. Its this authors only mission, and was clearly meant to be a first attempt at dromed.
The mission is a mansion heist and a couple of secrets you have to hunt. a handful of guards . The secret hunting element is the biggest challenge this mission has, but the mission is small enough that finding them isn't a huge issue. You will beat this mission in 10 minutes, and will forget about it after a few hours, but you are not going to hate your time here.
The basic design on the mission does leave a bit to be desired at times. While the details both inside and outside the mansion are fine, it is extremily boxy.
The main thing holding this mission back, is like many mansion missions, its very forgettable. In many ways, it's almost worse that this mission doesn't have a major, memorable, issue.
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