So, it's near the end of T1. Garrett is heading to the cathedral, and he trips over a hamerite, and throws the talisman of fire into the sewers, where it gets washed away in a swarm of spiders.
Time to go down there and get it back.
This mission is split into two halves. A city mission, which is decent, but not memorable, and a sewer section... unfortunately, the sewers are a mess to explore.
You see, the city is a solid 4/10, maybe even 5/10. It's decently structured, looks OK for the time, and is generally enjoyabe. However, the second you descend into the sewers, the quality just falls off a cliff, with frustrating corridors, poor texturework, and a section where I genuinely could not find where to go, because there were two identical corridors I could find, one of which had a locked door, the other was unlocked. Every time I entered the latter, I thought I was in the former, which I found first. It's just.... so frustrating. Sewer levels have a reputation in video games, and this mission plays right into it.
The plot is also pretty ridiculous.
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