Note: I was playing the T1 version, the version linked here is for T2. I do intend to play the T2 version when I get to it, but this review is for the T1 version.
This mission is about rescuing someone from a house, while also trying to cure them of a disease. It's a simple enough city mission, with one dumb decision that almost destroyed my time with it.
Early on, you get some rope arrows, and are expected to break into a building with an open window you can rope up to. Good design right? Well, no. The window you need to rope into has no obvious beams above it. Instead, the stone roof inexplicably turns into a wooden roof in this one place, in a way that looks more like a texturing issue. This means that unless you painstakingly examine the entire building, your unlikely to find the ropable surface you need.
Aside from this issue, the mission is fun, with interesting enviroments, text that is poorly translated in that way that gives it it's own charm. In general, it's a very charming, well made mission. I just wish I could have reached it without resorting to a guide.
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