I am not going to mince words here: this mission is abysmal. It's buggy, it's unpolished, and it's not fun. Right from the very start you are dropped into some kind of dock, with guards directly ahead of you, with the only functional path being underwater. The objective to retrieve some gear involves roping into a sealed room, and nets you a lot of useful equipment... as well as frogbeast eggs that don't work.
The bathhouse itself actually isn't too bad... until you get to the second floor, where the guards don't patrol. This floor looks awful, has a floating book in one of the bedrooms, and is... well... insufferably bad.
Oh, and the main objective is basically a secret. So this is another secret hunting mission.
I know this was a competition entry, and having played the other entries already, I can tell you that this was not a good competition for quality. Unfortunately, my research hasn''t actually found enough information to say if the authors were bad, or if this was some kind of jam situation, where they all had 24 hours or less. In the latter case, this is an acceptable effort. It doesn't change my review though: this mission is awful, and you should not play it.
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