This is another mission that was clearly a beginner's effort, and just as obviously began life as a DarkRadiant tutorial, but it has its own charm and is interesting to play.
Your mission is to break into Sebastian Creep's home, rob him blind, and plant some incriminating evidence for the City Watch to find later, a well-worn formula already seen in, for example, Thief's Den 1, but that doesn't mean you can take it easy at any point. The mission takes place in and around a handful of buildings and a small cave/sewer section and the inhabitants are alert enough to be bothersome without seeming like they're parading around in front of you constantly.
Secrets are well-hidden and reward careful observation, and there are plenty of opportunities to go rooftop climbing. It isn't a huge mission, but lengthy for its physical size, and will provide 45 minutes or so of interesting sneaking.
That said, it's far from a masterpiece. Being a beginner mission it suffers a bit from "throw everything I can think of in here" syndrome, and sound propagation is buggy so that guards can hear you from the other side of the map. Nevertheless, it's well worth a look.
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