Another enjoyable small mission. This one has our thiefy friend out to infiltrate a breakaway faction of thieves and assassinate their leader.
You approach the compound via the City streets, dodging the City Watch along the way. This is not so easy because the Watch guys have torches and cover is not plentiful, though there are a few interesting houses and side alleys here and there.
I thought the architecture was a bit on the boxy side, even for 2009. But the gameplay is where this mission shines. Often I found myself thinking, "That bit of shadow looks like it'll get illuminated if Torchy McGee walks past, but that bit looks deep enough." That is just the kind of puzzle I enjoy, and one of the reasons I play Dark Mod; this mission gets it right.
There's a few rough spots, like a window you can mantle into but is too small to fit through, and an easily accessible roof that blocks the player for no good reason, but those are minor concerns.
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