Missions by this author are always full of imaginative new ideas and experimental features. This one is no exception. It's an admirable attempt, and a clever story with some really nice touches, but falls flat in other areas.
You play as a private eye hired to uncover the dark secrets of a wealthy landowning family and sneak onto their property under the guise of visiting their famous hedge maze. It's a bright, warm summer day and there are very few shadows to hide in, but guards won't object to you if you're in areas open to the public. Wander off somewhere you shouldn't be, and they will become hostile so watch out! It's a really cool mechanic, unfortunately it's also a bit finicky and not quite intuitive.
The underground areas are more traditional Dark Mod sneaking, and honestly a lot more fun than the daylight parts. Nevertheless this is a cleverly built and enjoyable mission if you can deal with a little bit of jank.
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