This mission had a lot of really fun ideas and a great sense of humor.
The author clearly has a good handle on the kind of story that makes an FM work with the base game, and how to make it funny without being rote.
Unfortunately I felt that many of the puzzles were a linear sequence of inputs that were difficult to understand.
It very much feels like you are looking for one linear switch after the other while inside a tin can.
A couple of times there are enemies inside that tin-can with you and you have no recourse to dispose of them or properly avoid them.
At least one time I found myself around a dead corner with a mech and couldn't escape and I became like said corner.
That said, it was clear that the author was thinking about how to make the mission more accessible - there are multiple points at which concessions have been made to gameplay, those concessions are just not obvious.
I am happy that Balboa has clearly learned a lot over the years and gone on to make some pretty great FMs.
Keep telling stories, Doug!
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