I was extremely impressed by this map, and all of it's details and gameplay flow. I'm not sure where to even begin.
You have a quite a few city blocks to explore, some of which are actually marked as safe to travel through which means you don't have to stick to stealth the whole time (so long as no one catches you looting anything). About 35% of the map is this safe zone which really allows you to relax and not get too tense during the mission, which really allows you to take your time exploring and think about the best path to traverse the various balconies, sewers, and gaps between windows.
As for the city itself, there are literally dozens of smaller areas to explore off the beaten path, some of which have their own little side stories or optional objectives. I completed about 5-6 optional objectives for my playthrough and I'm sure there's plenty more. As impressed as I was initially, I was even more impressed after completing the first main objective which unlocks yet another large area to explore.
The story and readables are also excellently written. The main quest is a more of a personal tale than the usual steal things for the sake of it or because it's part of the job deal.
Overall would recommend this map to everyone. It's certainly a must-play as far as TDM is concerned.
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