The setup and execution of the 1st mission in Broken Triad is one of my favorites ever. The atmosphere is cozy but there is a haze of dread in the air that only grows as you unravel the mysteries of the town block that is your initial playground. The gentle snowfall outside does little help assuage the tension that slowly grows and grows as you piece together various side-stories alongside your main quest which consists of a way to get into the museum, and later disable it's security protecting your main objective.
The 2nd mission, though very well made overall I find holds my attention a bit less, as the story drives into full Cthulhu mode. Sadly, I find myself just completing the first mission only sometimes. Still, the cool puzzles and scripted sequences definitely make a full playthrough 100% worth it.
That being said, both missions are definitely worth your attention, and the 1st mission in particular is an exemplar of world-building, puzzles, and gameplay flow.
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