This mission is definitely one of those adventure type missions that purposefully chose not to focus on any loot or stealth, gameplay but instead act as sort of a Thief based walking simulator.
The strength of this mission is the setting; Mars! The design of the spaceship you begin on contains many clever uses of the standard Thief assets, as well as a few that are ripped from System Shock 2. The temple the climax of the mission takes place in is equally atmospheric, if much more simply designed.
The surface of the planet in between these 2 locations could use some work.
Gameplay wise it is very barebones, consisting of exploring your surroundings, browsing through relevant readables, and listening to some custom dialogue now and again. The climax introduces some enemies that you also have to avoid. Or you can be like me and book it straight back to the spaceship come hell or high water.
Quality of this FM is all over the place but still worth at least one playthrough for the one of a kind environment. One thing that this mission does excellently, is not overstaying it's welcome. Those who are willing to give it a chance and not like it will probably only lose out on about 30 minutes of their life.
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