Usually not a fan of zombie missions (I'm in the "T2's better" camp) but this one is great. It's the return of a legend if I'm not mistaken, someone that participated literally in the first Fm ever created, as a challenge that ultimately led TTLG to release Dromed, so pretty important.
FM's a lot of fun. Old school style in the creation of enviroments (you know, sometimes blocky and almost as if they were 20% bigger as they should be, like levels in old games sometimes feel) but it's great at keeping you engaged with different enviroments. Layout is big but so well structured I never even realized that the author actually made a great detailed map, because I never needed to check! A ghostly presence will keep you engaged and it reached that level of immersion where the phisicallity of what Garret does truly feels like you're the one doing it, instead of you making the game do it. The story is really engaging, and the idea of retrieveing a body is made in a way that's not cumbersome at all. Solid FM.
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