Very enjoyable campaign (more like one mission that had to be split because of engine limitations). The first mission has the same gorgeous sunset like Resonance, overall great art style and atmosphere. Difficulty felt fair, not too hard and not too easy, more of a stealth mission. The level design was almost flawless, multiple paths without being convoluted and including land marks for orientation.
The optional side objectives were pretty fun, aren't really necessary for completing the mission, the loot requirements here were pretty lenient overall. (Expert)
The second mission is a dream sequence that's visually stunning, great use of objects and distant fog. Not much gameplay in here, it's more like a cutscene but awesome nontheless.
The third mission is more combat-heavy (stealth is still an option but definitely harder than the first one), overall still fun but I had to look up a walkthrough (the use of the crystals wasn't clear to me, maybe I missed a note somewhere).
Overall very enjoyable mission, took me a little more than 2 hours including all but one optional side objective.
1. Breaking the Stone 5/5
2. In Dreams 5/5
3. The Rose 4/5
Overall 4.5/5
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