This is Mission with addiction factor, at a presentation on youtube, i also downloaded this role FM, i couldn't stop playing this mission, it's just all exciting, scary, funny, anyway, and the work behind it all, new textures, new voices and the I find the idea and concept of what and how to build it impressive, I build some myself but I'm really still at the beginning but building FM just as great as you. Maybe you have tips for beginners, and keep it up
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I'm not happy to inform you directly, but the author wont be able to answer your question anymore.
That being said, I think Lady Rowena has left enormous legacy for entire community. If there are no tips from her, I'm sure we can learn a lot from the missions themselves.
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My english is little bit broken, thank you for your Comment, It sounds to me like that person doesn't exist anymore, what happened to her.
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ok i see, sometimes i don't understand what people say, i have autism and in some situations i have trouble understanding what someone means. But I just read the article, I'm very sorry my grief is all yours.
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It's okay. Lady Rowena was a great mission author. The more positive reviews about that the better.
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