Full Moon Fever is not very original mission: there is no abundance of scripted events, the plot itself is not complicated that much like Ominous Bequest or Rowena's Curse. Yet it still is quite scary and memorable. Perhaps it's the best and most balanced Spoonman's mission that doesn't go too far into surreal territory like his subsequent works (The Ravine and King of the Mountain, and later T1 missions Upward Spiral and D00M), while still succeeding in slightly surreal and minimalistic plot.
I think Full Moon Fever mostly succeeds at two things: 1) at creating dark and menacing atmosphere - especially it does so by avoiding saying too much about what's going on in Lord Kinbote's mansion in its quite rare readables and in the big mid-game event and 2) in making player's experience smooth and almost non-restricted by obscure keyhunting or cryptic puzzle-solving: the mansion's layout is open with several occasional bottlenecks here and there though still reasnably challenging for "ghost" players. It also not very long, you can finish it in less than 2 hours.
On the other side, the mansion and what lies below it sometimes look and feel run-off-the-mill: samey corridors, rooms etc. It doesn't influence my rating much but still slightly diminishes impressions. Yet the main lesson from this mission is that perhaps the most horrific horror is unspoken horror that fires our imagination.
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