This mission is another from the trial contest. It was also almost the last thing I played before going on a six month Hiatus from thief. Not really a fair response to it. Frankly, th mission is not completely horrible to play. The floorplan is decent, and mosof the gameplay feels fine. Unfortunately, in every other respect, this mission is a bit naff.
Looks wise, it is boxy, with obviously repeating textures, and poor brushwork. The entire upstairs of the bathhouse feels unfinished, and honestly could have done with another few hours of work. Ultimately, the entire mission is just a bit... dull. even replaying this 6 months after I played it for the first time, with almost no thief missions inbetween, I still found myself with no memory of most of it's rooms. There is nothing cool, or neat, other than a floating statue I can't even find anything interesting to say.
The Trial contest has honestly been painful to get through so far. The fact this is second place, really leaves me worried about what the first place entry will look like.
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