Events in highrock is a good mission. There, I admit it. It's large, detailed, has lots of things to steal, and is generally very well built. It also feels a lot more "real" (and a lot less buggy) than the previous mission in it's series, Mage area.
It also contains quite a few objectives that are easier to solve by accident than with an intentional plan.
For example, To find the person you are supposed to meet, you have to go to his house, however no amount of exploring the streets will find it. Instead you have to basically break into random buildings until you find the one that will link you to his location.
What I am saying is there is a lot of guesswork, and not all of it is intuitive. Prehaps the worst example of this is a lever you have to hit with an arrow. In most cases, any arrow will do in these situations (water arrows being the quietest) however, in this specific instance only a broadhead will do.
Ultimately, the thing that holds this missions rating back, isn't really the mission design, it's the number of times I had to resort to looking up the solution to a puzzle, only to find it was exactly what I was trying to do but in the wrong way for the mission to register it.
Still, the design, and feel of the mission are excellent, and if you are willing to put up with a couple of sections where fighting is necessary, and to keep a guide handy if you need it, you will have an OK time.
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