This mission consists of two segments that are separated by a gate: the first one contains three buildings with some loot and a lot of guards, the second is a large, open area with a deep hole at the end.
Somewhere in the underground exists the tomb of a magician where some more loot can be found. While this isn’t not a hugely imaginative idea, the concept offers a clear-cut mission objective that even a designer with little skills can tackle. The crude architecture can be forgiven - this is one of the first fan missions ever created. Phantom images and crashes due to high polycounts in some areas can be avoided. Even the broken winning conditions don’t bother me that much - I can still manually end the mission.
What really does bother me is that Down We Go! is nigh unplayable. Dozens of guards patrol a grassy field under an oddly bright night sky. You can’t hide because there aren’t enough shadows to hide in. You can’t fight because you start out only with the blackjack and a few rope arrows. If you’re about to create a Thief fan mission, you should at least have understood how the gameplay works.
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