Unlike other city missions from Connections contest, this one is much more low-key: there is quite depressive city district populated with mostly poor, there are almost no hideous supernatural secrets and in general the tone of mission is more darker. It reminds me of
Springheel's missions - A Score to Settle, New Job and A Reputation to Uphold - which are mostly down to earth, short and focused missions made specifically about inhabitants of City's underbelly.
The mission is challenging: avoiding guards especially trying ghost would be very hard and you'd better be extra careful and very attentively examine your surroundings. It is combined by quite steep loot goal which surely would require some backtracking into already visited locations. Not to mention some very finicky routes into seemingly uninteresting and non-populated buildings! The mission is on demanding side and sometimes feels unfair, but yet it's quite memorable. Not for casual strolling.
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