In the second mission, Garrett braves a zombie-infested mine and the wrath of dozens of heavily armed and murderous religious fanatics to rescue two colleagues. It's the first we see of the Hammerite religion and of supernatural elements like the undead and holy water.
The use of lighting and ambient sounds is top notch, and the ascent through the mines, factory, prison, and finally chapel is an effective use of verticality, but IMO this mission is not quite as good as the previous one. It's nearly impossible to avoid provoking the zombies in the mine. Perhaps this is a deliberate ploy to compel the player to make use of the holy water fountain, but for those of us who like ghosting levels it's a trifle unfair. Later, repetitive textures and copypasted layouts make the prison in particular frustrating to navigate.
All in all though, snatching treasures and abductees from right under the Hammers' noses is a heap of fun.
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