After surviving a botched assassination attempt, Garrett tails the toughboys to find out who ordered the hit and winds up at the mansion of a shady crime boss. It's a shortish but very atmospheric level, and very fun to play through.
The initial section, where you tail the assassins through the City streets, is well constructed and shows you some nice views of the streets. But it's the mansion itself where Assassins really excels. With multiple points of entry, a large amount of loot, and numerous hidden secrets, the mansion feels bigger than it is; you have lots to do without spending all your time walking around. Guard patrols are a bit tricky but not unfair, so you're on your toes all the time.
Descending into the basement to deal with the crime boss turns out to be quite tense and satisfying, particularly on a no-knockouts run.
Even more than Bafford's Manor, this mission draws the blueprints for how a mansion heist should be constructed. It's just plain fun.
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