From all Eshaktaar's missions, Keyhunt often is most overlooked: it's small, short mission which clearly is not ambitious like Ominous Bequest or Broken Triad in terms of tons of custom recources or scripted scenes. Unlike them it stays true to almost stock recource aesthetic of original Thief 2 while keeping some thematic and design parallels to good old Bonehoard, Mage Towers or Lost City levels from Thief: The Dark Project.
Keyhunt puts player into small-to-medium underground complex beneath humble-looking Hammerite church. To go further and to pass some hideously looking tasks player should solve stretch of cleverly constructed puzzles - to gather in the end quite unexpected but cohesive and logical explanation to all what's happened here. It is also quite honest - not without the reason it was named Keyhunt after all. The puzzles are varying but - for most part - can be solved by being observant and attentive. While I don't like puzzles much, I have lots of fun with this mission. It is remarkable of using small, cramped spaces (while being easy to navigate) and is not over complicated (at least, by standarts of puzzle missions). It doesn't overstay its welcome, and you can complete it in 40-50 min.
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