The second mission in a small campaign by the name of "In a Time of Need"
I will say right away I did not expect this to be so good, I went into it with expectations that it would be more like a first mission, maybe a bit bigger, but this was bigger and better in every way. The map is bigger what feels like 3 times than the first mission, this time we have a main estate and a street surrounding it with extra buildings to explore and a sewer system underneath. It's raining on this map and that gives it some moodiness as well. Most importantly, everywhere you go you will always find something interesting, related to the plot, and sometimes unexpected.
Don't want to spoil anything, but this has it all: a small mansion to rob, secrets to find, puzzles to solve even a short horror moment which was great. Also really enjoyed the ambient that is playing in the main building, that tune got me vibing there for a moment.
This took me an hour to finish, on expert this mission has a requirement of no knockouts with one exception, and this was really FUN to play like that.
Definitely recommend this one.
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