By the time Thief 2 came out, the thief 1 FM creators had mostly got the hang of T1 dromed, and the FM quality was steadily increasing. It feels very much like with the birth of T2, a new generation of FM author came with it.
Lord Burkhard seems to be a classic example of this. It's clearly someone experimenting and trying out the tools to see what they could make. Reading between the lines, I am sure you can tell that in fact, the end result is pretty bad. While I am a little forgiving of the cramped enviroments (which have a certain charm in places) the gameplay really sinks this mission. The patrol routes are tiny, and there is no semblance of good design to be seen anywhere. As I said though, this is ultimately a short mission built as someones experiment into making missions in dromed.
You may notice that I have not rated the story, this is because despite taking the english version from the side, the entire mission was still in german, and I don't speak the language well enough to judge the writing.
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