This mission looks old. More accurately, it looks on about the same level as something like poor lord bafford, which released in the first couple of months of dromed being out. It is... certainly stylisticly challenged. Doors do not fit in their doorways, carpets are raised up off the floor, and generally effort was low. In short, this does not look like a mission from late 2000.
Gameplay wise, the mission is nothing special. It's a standard mansion, with guards, and lots of space to sneak around, unfortunately, it's also a bit buggy, and has at least one place you can get softlocked.
Plot wise, Garrett is murdering his friend because he got caught. Garrett could just... knock him out and carry him home, or free him and let him loose, but hey, maybe this is the third time this week, and he's just had enough of the guy getting captured. It's an excuse plot. Still it's fortunate the lord let the guy keep his sword, or I might have felt bad murdering a prisoner in a prison, for no good reason.
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