Simply put: this is an absolute classic of a long-nearly-forgotten adventurous campaign set in the ore-rich mountains of Margroth that does its own world building thing and a must. It combines Thief with the vibes of the likes of Ultima Underworld and Arx Fatalis and feels both quaintly archaic with at times dated designs (the first and best mission in the pack, which has btw among its standout features right in the beginning not one but potentially several of the bloodiest and most hilarious AI battles with scripted triggers you can manipulate in many ways to your advantage, is a several times reworked piece of love from an originally T1 release) and ultramodern with brazen ideas and borderline genius approaches that feel unlike anything you have seen in Thief before (I would point the French type of genius with highs as high as none else and lows as mediocre as it gets) (PS Also to be mentioned as part of the added uniqueness value is that it is one of very few distinct thief missions/campaigns known to me where waters are not safe). If you have as I had such glaring gaps in basic Thief FM lore knowledge as to what are Shadow Burricks (among other local florae and faunae), what is Margrothian crystal and blue geodes for the geology part (it is also implied in the wider storytelling that the Trickster's/Garrett's sword is actually made of unique Margrothian "black silver" that features - nice) and what is the Gem of Oldorf (insert fiendish laughter) among many others, there's no way around the charms of this one - despite its at times also very old-school, seemingly devilish difficulty (but remember: if in despair, sometimes brute blasting force works best, and you get a hint to one important objective in the first mission only in its full description in the initial screen, not in its brief in-mission wording).
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