I have only played the first three missions, however what I have played is enough to warrant a 10/10. This is really the advancement of the old Immersive Sim in my opinion, the game just flows so well. A good example is in the first two missions, one in the city the other in a glorious mansion. I found myself in a sticky situation, being chased by guards, I thought it was all over, in the last second i found a vent or managed to get under the floors of the mansion. It all felt so natural, and not gamey, I felt like a real Thief. If you look hard enough or in logical places you will find exits and secrets which create some very dramatic moments.
The reason I stopped after the third level is because I simply feel out of depth, not a knock of the FM whatsoever I would just like to go through Thief TDP and maybe Thief 2 for some "practice" shall we say. These maps are massive and have so many layers, I would advise new gamers to the series like me to go through the OM's at least twice, as it is still amazing as well.
Another thing is that I like how the creators have took a lot of inspiration from Thief TDP level design and level ideas however the missions are still very distinct and exist well alongside them rather than "replacing". The tomb level is insane from what I played, but it never made "Down in the Bonehoard" feel small and insignificant. I really appreciated that. You can tell this DLC was made with the utmost love.
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