I hate to be negative, especially when there's so much good on display in this grand architecture, but I had a really bad time with this map.
Right from the very start the player is positioned way too close to a deadly drop, I took a couple steps and fell to my death within seconds of loading the map. Then the front doors of the mansion are prohibited from the player entering this way. The player's choice is deliberately thwarted here. I progressed to the courtyard from the sewers and couldn't find the intended route into the mansion and spent way too much time backtracking the very elongated sewers section. At some point I convinced this was a very very high effort joke map intended to frustrate the player, but I eventually found my way inside after climbing on some geometry that was not intended to be.
So I enter the mansion and enjoy 20+ solid minutes of exploring up and down, around and around, and the cavernous mansion is quite beautiful and built to purpose. But it gives me no direction, and the frontmost floors of the mansion are structured in a way that is stifling and all the level flow directs me to places i've already been, without chance at branching towards an objective, nor hint on how to proceed differently. lost enjoyment pretty quickly and unfortunately stopped playing the map entirely without achieving anything.
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