No briefing, no information, no reviews, and yet a decent rating - all reason enough for me to see what's up with this mission. Well, first off, it's actually a four-mission campaign, rather than a single mission as advertised. Each one has a little briefing to provide context into this edition of Garrett's wacky hi-jinks, though even that might be a bit too high energy to describe what happens here.
Garrett steals a jewel from a lord, then the jewel gets cut up, and then a series of twists and turns sees our thief in pursuit of his next paycheck, despite lady luck really not caring for him. It's very bog-standard stuff, but that doesn't necessarily mean it's bad. Layouts are sensible, maps are clear (though maybe redundant given the small scale of the levels), readables provide more than enough signposting for objectives, and said objectives themselves are pretty easy to complete.
Diehards won't be challenged by what's on offer here, but I did find a lot to appreciate in the visuals, particularly the streets and a sequence encountered near the end of the last mission. The author is not afraid to make use of Thief 2's coloured lighting, but it never strays into being too much.
It's competent, it's cosy, it's brief. You could do a lot, lot worse for fan missions than this.
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