I really like Falling, in Love by nicked, so seeing a mission with a similar sort of theme, I was compelled to give it a try, even in spite of the fact this was made for a 'Total Crap' contest. Well, in that regard, the author failed, because this is actually pretty neat. There are attempts to make it bad, through awkward object placement, sudden ambient transitions and... well, just look at the level itself. It's not exactly beautiful, but there is a method to the madness. There are so many different paths that interlock with each other that traversal - whether for the sake of exploration or actually getting down to the street level to complete the mission - is a delight.
The architecture, while deliberately odd, also doesn't feel totally unbelievable in the context of The City itself. It feels like a caricature of its lofty scale, with how buildings hang over each other as if they've just been stacked, and support beams and pipes join between them like spider webs. A shame, then, that it's all over in about ten minutes.
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