Even though story wise this mission is a continuation of Thief 2, The Stone of Alarus is admittedly a Thief Gold homage. Overall it's decently made, and has a couple of neat touches (the intro, the switchable alarm system, the vegetation in the Hammerite attic, the relievos helping you navigate during the second half etc), but it somewhat struggles to set up its own atmosphere. The mission has a heavy (maybe a bit too heavy) emphasis on treasure/rune hunt in its second half, and if you hate the Down In The Bonehoard mission from Thief 1, you probably won't like this one either.
After The Black Parade (not a fair comparison, but some people still playing the campaign) this might seem a bit weak, but there is a good effort here too, the mission could be worth your time if you enjoy Hammerite and tomb raiding missions.
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