There is a chance you have already played at least a couple of fan missions by Haplo. This one is while not his very first, but still quite an early attempt (seemingly the first he decided to publish though), and has quite a lot of rough and clunky parts. Weird texturing, strange and awkward geometry, un-stealthable segments, etc. So, it's safe to say Rigging the Votes is objectively not a good mission.
Yet still, I like it a lot!
Yes, combat is clunky in Thief, but here, you can make a plan, use your environment, etc.
Yes, opening a wooden door by bashing it with your sword is unprofessional by the canon standards, but it's still a fun gameplay mechanic.
Also, I was surprised that the mission was able to provide its own crazy atmosphere somehow, and even set up a couple of scenes. Many more polished missions forget to do that!
I completely understand if players find Rigging the Votes too rough, but I genuinely think it deserves a little praising for its originality and unique challenges.
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