A good mission that feels like a leftover/spin-off from The Black Parade that did not fit narratively into the campaign by some of its authors in disguise (the overall level of craft in all aspects but also the amount of similarities/references is such that it's hard to believe this is really a beginner effort) - even the formulae/mannerisms and style of readables feel alike. On the flipside it perpetuates the "Kept Away from View heresy" by insisting on NOT using the proper Keeper models for the Keepers (having the former's mundane rogue models instead) - spoils half the fun and twice as much style in a keeper mission for me really.
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If you're referring to the Keepers wearing black coats, these were literally Keeper meshes made for TBP.
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I noted the occasional models in long coats (they're here also for the record) but I mean the "standard"/reskinned rogue models w swords and bows.
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